The Koschmann Lab

The Koschmann lab is studying the molecular mechanisms by which mutations in pediatric Diffuse Midline Glioma (DMG) and Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma (DIPG) can be therapeutically targeted. The Koschmann Lab’s work in precision medicine pushes the boundaries of targeted therapies and precision diagnostics for children diagnosed with these brain tumors. Through highly collaborative basic, translational, and clinical research, the Koschmann Lab strives towards improving outcomes and providing hope for children fighting these devastating diseases.


Carl Koschmann MD

ChadTough Defeat DIPG Research Professor


Lab Members

Tiffany Adam, B.S.

Research Technician

Rayan Aittaleb

Undergraduate Student Researcher

Diala Ajaero

Undergraduate Student Researcher


Rodrigo Cartaxo, Ph.D.

Post-Doctoral Research Fellow

Madison Clausen, B.S.

Lab Manager

Daniel de la Nava, Ph.D.

Post-Doctoral Research Fellow

Robert Doherty, Ph.D.

Post-Doctoral Research Fellow

Ananya Gera

Undergraduate Student Researcher

Sunjong Ji, B.S.

Graduate Student (M.D./Ph.D.), Cancer Biology

Ben Lau, M.D.

Pediatric Oncology Research Fellow

Dana Messinger, B.S.

Graduate Student, Cancer Biology

Fareen Momen

Undergraduate Student Researcher

Jina Patel

Undergraduate Student Researcher

Jack Wadden, Ph.D.

Post-Doctoral Research Fellow

Tirth Patel

Undergraduate Student Researcher

Kallen Schwark, B.S.E.

Graduate Student (M.D./Ph.D), Cancer Biology


Alina Stanczak

Undergraduate Student Researcher

Kelsey Wink, B.S.

Research Technician


Positions Available

We are looking for research technicians, postdoctoral fellows and undergraduate and graduate students to join our team with experience and/or interest in the following areas:

  • Neuroscience and/or oncology laboratory

  • Animal modeling

  • Cancer computational/bioinformatics

  • Experimental therapeutics/drug testing

Send a cover letter describing your specific interest and relevant qualifications and skills, along with your CV and the names and contact information for references to: