Genetic Drivers of Pediatric DMG and DIPG

The Koschmann lab is studying the molecular mechanisms by which mutations promote tumor formation and genetic instability in pediatric diffuse midline glioma (DMG), and diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma (DIPG). Their work is currently focused on how mutations in pediatric and young adult HGG might affect tumor growth, evolution, and response to novel DNA-damaging therapies.

Targeted Therapies for DMG and DIPG

The Koschmann lab is working to develop and understand new molecularly targeted therapies for children and young adults with DMG and DIPG, based on selection of drugs with the highest likelihood of crossing the highly selective blood brain barrier. Their work is focused on optimization of use and combination of the imipridone ONC201 in this patient population.


The Koschmann lab is applying a novel precision medicine approach accounting for both unique tumor biology and optimization of blood brain barrier penetration.  We are performing correlate biology work on ongoing precision medicine trials for children and young adults with brain tumors at the University of Michigan, including correlation of spinal fluid analysis with surveillance MRIs.