
Fund Pediatric Cancer Research


About Vara's Victors

Since her Wilms Tumor diagnosis in early 2016, 11-year-old Vara Gordon has made a commitment to advancing research in pediatric cancer. Vara met with Dr. Carl Koschmann and his lab and witnessed the great strides they had made in brain tumor research. And despite her own cancer being localized to her kidneys, Vara chose to support Koschmann Lab after seeing their incredible potential to help children with the most aggressive forms of brain tumors.

Cancer is the second leading cause of death among children ages 1-14. One out of eight children diagnosed with cancer in the U.S., or 1,190 children, are expected to die of the disease in 2017. With only 4% of the National Cancer Institute's annual budget dedicated to pediatric cancer research, any donations made to support research and treatments can be incredibly impactful on the lives of pediatric cancer patients. Please consider making a donation.



Updates Oct 2021

Vara is currently thriving and has just started her first years in high school. She will turn 15 in November and currently she is working in the school government, starting a new club with some friends and has all A’s. She is focused on learning to learn and to have consistent grades. It has been a nice run without interruption to her education (unless you count Covid) and she is hitting her stride.  We are excited to watch her continue to bring awareness and her wonderful spark to the fight for kids with cancer.

She continues to get support from Doctor Koschmann as she navigates life outside of active treatment.  As we all anxiously await being able to rock climb together, recently we raised $1,000.00 for the Lego program for clinic and a few robots for a patient.  While we do more as needed spot gifts, our focus for 2022 will be to ensure the legacy of the Lego program from a former patient is funded and the Legos are plentiful.

Life after treatment is a gift, however it does have some lasting impacts. Vara’s focus is on mental health and brining joy back in to the lives of children impacted by cancer.

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Vara Tells Her Story

Vara tells her story of her diagnosis and treatment at school. See Video Here.

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Rock Cancer

Children (age 4-25) with cancer or a history of cancer are invited to Rock Cancer – a monthly climbing session hosted by Planet Rock and Vara’s Victors!

Learn More Here


Vara's Story

Vara is 10 almost 11 and has stage 3 Wilms tumor, a cancer that makes its start in the kidneys. She relapsed after 9 months off treatment and now must undergo a rigorous treatment that causes her to be terribly ill most days. She will endure 28 weeks of chemo and has had 8 days of radiation to her lungs.
Read More.

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Vara & Koschmann Lab

What Vara witnessed and experienced in Koschmann Lab motives her and her family to advocate for more funding for and greater awareness of pediatric cancer research.
Read More.

What Childhood Cancer Treatment Looks Like


A cure is always the goal. But the journey to remission, the treatment itself is unthinkably hard for families touched by childhood cancer. We need better cures, safer cures - and we can't get there soon enough for kids like Vara.

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