

Mayr L^, Neyazi S^, Schwark K^, Trissal M^, Beck A, Labelle J, Eder S, Weiler-Wichtl L, Marques J, de Biagi-Junior C, Lo Cascio C, Chapman O, Sridhar S, Kenkre R, Dutta A, Wang S, Wang J, Hack O, Nascimento A, Nguyen C, Castellani S, Rozowsky J, Groves A, Panditharatna E, Alencastro Veiga Cruzeiro G, Haase R, Tabatabai K, Madlener S, Wadden J, Adam T, Kong S, Miclea M, Patel T, Bruckner K, Senfter D, Lämmerer A, Supko J, Guntner A, Palova H, Neradil J, Stepien N, Lötsch-Gojo D, Berger W, Leiss U, Rosenmayr V, Dorfer C, Dieckmann K, Peyrl A, Azizi A, Baumgartner A, Slaby O, Pokorna P, Clark L, Cameron A, Nguyen Q, Wakimoto H, Dubois F, Greenwald N, Bandopadhayay P, Beroukhim R, Ligon K, Kramm CC, Bronsema A, Bailey S, Guerreiro Stucklin A, Mueller S, Skrypek M, Martinez N, Bowers D, Jones D, Jones C, Jäger N, Sterba J, Müllauer L, Haberler C, Kumar-Sinha C, Chinnaiyan A, Mody R, Chavez L, Furtner J, Koschmann C*, Gojo J*, and Filbin M*. Effective targeting of PDGFRA-altered high-grade glioma with avapritinib. Cancer Cell. In Press. ^Equal contribution *Equal contribution and Corresponding

Erez N, Furth N, Fedyuk V, Wadden J, Aittaleb R, Adam T, Schwark K, Niculcea M, Miclea M, Mody R, Franson A, Parmar HA, Ibrahim M, Lau B, Eze A, Nourmohammadi N, Fried I, Nazarian J, Ron G, Venneti S, Koschmann C* and Shema E* (2024). Single-molecule systems for the detection and monitoring of plasma-circulating nucleosomes and oncoproteins in diffuse midline glioma. Cell Reports Medicine. doi: 10.1016/j.xcrm.2024.101918. *Co-Corresponding

Mbah, N.E., Myers, A.L., Sajjakulnukit, P., Chung, C., Thompson, J.K., Hong, H.S., Giza, H., Dang, D., Nwosu, Z.C., Shan, M., Sweha, S.R., Maydan D., Chen B., Zhang L., Magnuson B., Zui Z., Wahl D, Franchi L., Agnihotri S, Koschmann C, Venneti S and Lyssiotis C (2024). Therapeutic targeting of differentiation-state dependent metabolic vulnerabilities in diffuse midline glioma. Nature Communications, 2024 15(1), p.8983

Mueller S, Kline C, Franson A, van der Lugt J, Prados M, Waszak S, Plasschaert S, Molinaro A, Koschmann C and Nazarian J (2023).  Rational combination platform trial design for children and young adults with diffuse midline glioma: A report from PNOC. Neuro Oncology. noad181.

Patel J, Aittaleb R, Doherty R, Gera A, Lau B, Messinger D, Wadden J, Franson A, Saratsis A, Koschmann C (2023). Liquid Biopsy in H3K27M Diffuse Midline Glioma. Neuro-Oncology, noad229,

Koschmann C*, Al-Holou W, Alonso M, Anastas J, Bandopadhayay P, Barron T, Becher O, Cartaxo R, Castro MG, Chung C, Clausen M, Dang D, Doherty R, Duchatel R, Dun M, Filbin M, Franson A, Galban S, Moure MG, Garton H, Gowda P, Marques JG, Hawkins C, Heath A, Hulleman E, Ji S, Jones C, Kilburn L, Kline C, Koldobskiy MA, Lim D, Lowenstein PR, Lu QR, Lum J, Mack S, Magge S, Marini B, Martin D, Marupudi N, Messinger D,  Mody R, Morgan M, Mota M, Muraszko K, Mueller S, Natarajan SK, Nazarian J, Niculcea M, Nuechterlein N, Okada H, Opipari V, Pai MP, Pal S, Peterson E, Phoenix T, Prensner JR, Pun M, Raju JP, Reitman ZJ, Resnick A, Rogawski D, Saratsis A, Sbergio SG, Souweidane M, Stafford JM, Tzaridis T, Venkataraman S, Vittorio O, Wadden J, Wahl D, Wechsler-Reya RJ, Yadav VN, Zhang X,   Zhang Q, Venneti S* (2023). A road map for the treatment of pediatric diffuse midline glioma. Cancer Cell. https://

Roberts HJ*, Ji S*, Picca A, Sanson M, Garcia M, Snuder M, Schüller U, Picart T, Ducray F, Green A, Nakano Y, Sturm D, Abdullaev Z, Aldape K, Dang D, Kumar-Sinha C, Wu Y-M, Robinson D, Vo J, Chinnaiyan A, Cartaxo R, Upadhyaya S, Mody R, Chiang J, Baker S, Solomon D, Venneti S, Pratt D, Waszak S*, Koschmann C* (2023).  Clinical, genomic, and epigenomic analyses of H3K27M-mutant diffuse midline glioma long-term survivors reveal a distinct group of tumors with MAPK pathway alterations.  Acta Neuropathologica.

Venneti S^, Kawakibi A^, Ji S^, Waszak S^, Sweha S^, Mota M^, Pun M^, Deogharkar A, Chung C, Tarapore R, Ramage S, Chi A, Wen P, Arrillaga-Romany I, Batchelor T, Butowski N, Sumrall A, Shonka N, Harrison R, de Groot J, Mehta M, Hall M, Daghistani D, Cloughesy T, Ellingson B, Beccaria K, Varlet P, Kim M, Umemura Y, Garton H, Franson A, Schwartz J, Jain R, Kachman M, Baum H, Burant C, Mottl S, Cartaxo R, John V, Messinger D, Qin T, Peterson E, Sajjakulnukit P, Ravi K, Waugh A, Walling D, Ding Y, Xia Z, Schwendeman A, Hawes D, Yang F, Judkins A, Wahl D, Lyssiotis C, de la Nava D, Alonso M, Eze A, Spitzer J, Schmidt S, Duchatel R, Dun M, Cain J, Jiang L, Stopka S, Baquer G, Regan M, Filbin M, Agar N, Zhao L, Kumar-Sinha L,Mody R, Chinnaiyan A, Kurokawa R, Pratt D, Yadav V, Grill J, Kline C, Mueller, Resnick A, Nazarian J, Allen J, Odia Y, Gardner S, Koschmann C (2023). Clinical efficacy of ONC201 in H3K27M-mutant diffuse midline gliomas is driven by disruption of integrated metabolic and epigenetic pathwaysCancer Discovery. 2023 Aug.

Koschmann C, Michael Prados (2023). Applying collaborative brain power to pull us out of the dark ages of pediatric neuro-oncology. Neoplasia.

Tripathy A, John V, Wadden J, Kong S, Sharba S, Koschmann C (2023). Liquid biopsy in pediatric brain tumors. Frontiers in Genetics. January 2023 13:1114762 DOI: 10.3389/fgene.2022.1114762

Liu I, Jiang L, Samuelsson ER, Marco Salas S, Beck A, Hack OA, Jeong D, Shaw ML, Englinger B, LaBelle J, Mire HM, Madlener S, Mayr L, Quezada MA, Trissal M, Panditharatna E, Ernst KJ, Vogelzang J, Gatesman TA, Halbert ME, Palova H, Pokorna P, Sterba J, Slaby O, Geyeregger R, Diaz A, Findlay IJ, Dun MD, Resnick A, Suvà ML, Jones DTW, Agnihotri S, Svedlund J, Koschmann C, Haberler C, Czech T, Slavc I, Cotter JA, Ligon KL, Alexandrescu S, Yung WKA, Arrillaga-Romany I, Gojo J, Monje M, Nilsson M, Filbin MG (2022). The landscape of tumor cell states and spatial organization in H3-K27M mutant diffuse midline glioma across age and location. Nature Genetics 2022. 

Messinger D, Harris MK, Cummings JR, Thomas C, Yang T, Sweha SR, Woo R, Siddaway R, Burkert M, Stallard S, Qin T, Mullan B, Siada R, Ravindran R, Niculcea M, Dowling A, Bradin J, Ginn KF, Gener MAH, Dorris K, Vitanza NA, Schmidt SV, Spitzer J, Jiang L, Filbin MG, Cao X, Castro MG, Lowenstein PR, Mody R, Chinnaiyan A, Desprez P-Y, McAllister S, Dun MD, Hawkins C, Waszak SM, Venneti S, Koschmann C, Yadav VN (2022). Therapeutic targeting of prenatal pontine ID1 signaling in diffuse midline glioma. Neuro-Oncology. 2022. doi: 10.1093/neuonc/noac141.

Wadden J, Ravi K, John V, Babila CM, Koschmann C (2022). Cell-Free Tumor DNA (cf-tDNA) Liquid Biopsy: Current Methods and Use in Brain Tumor Immunotherapy. Front Immunol. 2022 Apr 6;13:882452. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2022.882452.

Cantor E, Wierzbicki K, Tarapore RS, Ravi K, Thomas C, Cartaxo R, Yadav VN, Ravindran R, Bruzek AK, Wadden J, John V, Babila CM, Cummings JR, Kawakibi AR, Ji S, Ramos J, Paul A, Walling D, Leonard M, Robertson P, Franson A, Mody R, Garton HJL, Venetti S, Odia Y, Kline C, Vitanza NA, Khatua S, Mueller S, Allen JE, Gardner S, Koschmann C (2022). Serial H3K27M cell-free tumor DNA (cf-tDNA) tracking predicts ONC201 treatment response and progression in diffuse midline glioma. Neuro Oncology. 2022 Feb 6;. doi: 10.1093/neuonc/noac030.

Qin T, Mullan B, Ravindran R, Messinger D, Siada R, Cummings JR, Harris M, Muruganand A, Pyaram K, Miklja Z, Reiber M, Garcia T, Tran D, Danussi C, Brosnan-Cashman J, Pratt D, Zhao X, Rehemtulla A, Sartor MA, Venneti S, Meeker AK, Huse JT, Morgan MA, Lowenstein PR, Castro MG, Yadav VN, Koschmann C (2022). ATRX loss in glioma results in dysregulation of cell-cycle phase transition and ATM inhibitor radio-sensitization. Cell Reports. 2022;38(2). doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2021.110216.

Schwark K, Messinger D, Cummings J, Bradin J, Kawakibi A, Babila CM, Lyons S, Ji S, Cartaxo RT, Kong S, Cantor E, Koschmann C and Yadav V. Receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) (2022). Targeting in Pediatric High-Grade Glioma and Diffuse Midline Glioma: Pre-Clinical Models and Precision Medicine. Frontiers in Oncology. 2022 Aug 1;12:922928.

Panwalkar P, Tamrazi B, Dang D, Chung C, Sweha S, Natarajan SK, Pun M, Bayliss J, Ogrodzinski MP, Pratt D, Mullan B, Hawes D, Yang F, Lu C, Sabari BR, Achreja A, Heon J, Animasahun O, Cieslik M, Dunham C, Yip S, Hukin J, Phillips JJ, Bornhorst M, Griesinger AM, Donson AM, Foreman NK, Garton HJL, Heth J, Muraszko K, Nazarian J, Koschmann C, Jiang L, Filbin MG, Nagrath D, Kool M, Korshunov A, Pfister SM, Gilbertson RJ, Allis CD, Chinnaiyan AM, Lunt SY, Blüml S, Judkins AR, Venneti S (2021). Targeting integrated epigenetic and metabolic pathways in lethal childhood PFA ependymomas. Science Translational Medicine. 2021 Oct 6;13(614):eabc0497.

Sweha SR, Chung C, Natarajan SK, Panwalkar P, Pun M, Ghali A, Bayliss J, Pratt D, Shankar A, Ravikumar V, Rao A, Cieslik M, Wilder-Romans K, Scott AJ, Wahl DR, Jessa S, Kleinman CL, Jabado N, Mackay A, Jones C, Martinez D, Santi M, Judkins AR, Yadav VN, Qin T, Phoenix TN, Koschmann C, Baker SJ, Chinnaiyan AM, Venneti S (2021). Epigenetically defined therapeutic targeting in H3.3G34R/V high-grade gliomas. Science Translational Medicine. 2021 Oct 13;13(615):eabf7860.

Bruzek A, Ravi K, Muruganand A, Wadden J, Babila C, Cantor E, Tunkle L, Wierzbicki K, Stallard S, Dickson R, Wolfe I, Mody R, Schwartz J, Franson A, Robertson P, Muraszko K, Maher C, Garton H,  Qin T, Koschmann C (2020). Use of novel, hand-held, electronic DNA analysis platform to quantify multi-gene molecular response in CSF of patients with high-grade glioma. Clinical Cancer Research Online Oct 2020. DOI 10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-20-2066.

Miklja Z, Yadav VN, Cartaxo R, Siada R, Thomas C, Cummings J, Mullan B, Stallard S, Paul A, Bruzek AK, Wierzbicki K, Yang T, Garcia T, Wolfe I, Parmar H, Leonard M, Robertson PL, Garton H, Wahl D, Sarkaria J, Kline C, Mueller S, Nicolades T, Glasser C, Leary S, Venneti S, Kumar-Sinha C, Chinnaiyan A, Mody R, Manjunath PP, Phoenix TN, Marini BL, Koschmann C (2020). Everolimus improves the efficacy of dasatinib in the treatment of PDGFRA-driven glioma. J Clin Invest 2020.

Chung C, Sweha S, Pratt D, Tamrazi B, Panwalkar P, Banda A, Bayliss J, Hawes D, Yang D, Lee HJ, Shan M, Cieslik M, Qin T, Werner C; Wahl D, Lyssiotis C, Bian Z, Shotwell J, Yadav V, Koschmann C, Chinnaiyan A, Bluml S, Judkin A, Venneti S (2020). Integrated metabolic and epigenomic reprograming by H3K27M mutations in diffuse intrinsic pontine gliomas. Cancer Cell. 2020 Jul 30:S1535-6108(20)30369-X.

Pratt D, Quezado M, Abdullev Z, Hawes D, Yang F, Garton H, Judkins A, Mody R, Chinnaiyan A, Aldape K; Koschmann C#, Venneti S# (2020). Diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma-like tumor with EZHIP expression and molecular features of PFA ependymoma . Acta Neuropathol Commun. 2020;8(1):37. #Dual senior and corresponding author.

Wierzbicki K, Ravi K, Franson A, Bruzek A, Cantor E., Harris M, Homan MJ, Marini BL, Kawakibi AR, Ravindran R, Teodoro R, Yadav V, Koschmann C (2020). Targeting and Therapeutic Monitoring of H3K27M-Mutant Glioma. Curr Oncol Rep 2020 Feb: 22, 19.

Sloan EA, Cooney T, Oberheim Bush NA, Buerki R, Taylor J, Clarke JL, Torkildson J, Kline C, Reddy A, Mueller S, Banerjee A, Butowski N, Chang S, Mummaneni PV, Chou D, Tan L, Theodosopoulos P, McDermott M, Berger M, Raffel C, Gupta N, Sun PP, Li Y, Shah V, Cha S, Braunstein S, Raleigh DR, Samuel D, Scharnhorst D, Fata C, Guo H, Moes G, Kim JY Koschmann C, Van Ziffle J, Onodera C, Devine P, Grenert JP, Lee JC, Pekmezci M, Phillips JJ, Tihan T, Bollen AW, Perry A, Solomon DA (2019). Recurrent non-canonical histone H3 mutations in spinal cord diffuse gliomas. Acta Neuropathologica.

Mankuzhy N, Anderson B, Kumar C, Heider A, Koschmann C, and Rajen J. Mody (2019).  BCOR Alterations in Pediatric and Young Adult Patients With Sarcomas and High-Grade Glial Malignancies: A Case Series.  JCO Precision Oncology 2019 :3, 1-8.

Cantor E and Koschmann C (2019). Multi-platform molecular profiling: A precision medicine victory built on cytotoxic chemotherapy. The Cancer Journal. 2019 Mar/Apr;25(2):80. doi: 10.1097/ PPO. 0359.

Miklja Z, Pasternak A, Stallard S, Nicolaides T, Kline-Nunnally C, Cole B, Beroukhim R, Bandopadhayay P, Chi S, Ramkissoon S; Mullan B, Bruzek A, Gauthier A, T Garcia, Atchison C, Marini B, Fouladi M, Parsons D, Leary S, Ligon K, and Koschmann C (2019).  Molecular profiling and targeted therapy in pediatric gliomas: Review and consensus recommendationsNeuro Oncology26 Feb 2019. doi: 10.1093/neuonc/noz022.

Stallard S, Savelieff M, Wierzbicki K, Mullan B, Miklja Z, Bruzek A, Garcia T, Siada R, Anderson B, Singer B, Hashizume R, Carcaboso A, McMurray K, Heth J, Muraszko K, Robertson P, Mody R, Venneti S, Garton H, Koschmann C (2018). CSF H3F3A K27M circulating tumor DNA copy number quantifies tumor growth and in vitro treatment response. Acta Neuropathol Commun. 2018 Aug 15;6(1):80. doi: 10.1186/s40478-018-0580-7.

Gits H, Anderson M, Stallard S, Pratt D, Zon B, Howell C, Kumar-Sinha C, Vats P, Kasaian K, Polan D, Matuszak M, Leonard M, Spratt D, Qin T, Leach J, Chaney B, Escorza N, Hendershot J, Jones B, Fuller C, Leary S, Bartels U, Bouffet E, Yock T, Robertson P, Mody R, Venneti S, Chinnaiyan A, Fouladi M, Gottardo N, Koschmann C (2018).  Medulloblastoma therapy generates risk of a distinct, poorly-prognostic molecular subgroup of H3 wild-type diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma: A Report from the International DIPG Registry.  Acta Neuropathol Commun. 2018 Jul 26;6(1):67. doi: 10.1186/s40478-018-0570-9.

Pratt D, Leung D, Camelo Piragua S, Mody R, Chinnaiyan A, Koschmann C#, Venneti S# (2018). Novel BRAF activating mutations in V600E-negative anaplastic pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma.  Acta Neuropathologica Communications. 2018 Mar 15.  #Dual senior and corresponding author.

Koschmann C, Wu Y, Kumar C, Lonigro R, Vats P,  Cao X, Frank K,  Prensner J, Zurieck A, Anderson B, Marini B, Camelo-Piragua S, Venneti S, Mc Keever P, McFadden K, Lieberman A, Shao L, Pritula L, Gupta A, Everett J, Leonard M, Maher C, Garton H, Muraszko K, Robertson PR, Robinson D, Chinnaiyan A, and Mody R (2018).  Clinically integrated sequencing significantly alters therapy in children and young adults with high-risk glial brain tumors.  JCO Precision Oncology.   2018 May 4.  10.1200/PO.17.00133

Yadav V, Altshuler D, Kadiyala P, Zamler D, Comba A, Appelman H, Dunn P, Koschmann C, Castro MG, Löwenstein PR (2018).  Molecular ablation of tumor blood vessels inhibits therapeutic effects of radiation and bevacizumab. Neuro Oncology.  2018 Apr 12. doi: 10.1093/neuonc/noy055. [Epub ahead of print].

Pratt D, Natarajan S, Banda A, Giannini C, Vats P, Koschmann C, Mody R, Chinnaiyan A, Venneti S. Circumscribed/non-diffuse histology confers a better prognosis in H3K27M-mutant gliomas (2018). Acta Neuropathologica. 2018 Jan 4. doi: 10.1007/s00401-018-1805-3.

Linzey J, Bernard M, Pasternak A, Smith C, Miklja Z, Zhao L, Kumar-Sinha C, Paul A, Harris N, Robertson P, Hoffman L, Chinnaiyan, Mody R and Koschmann C (2017).  Development of the CNS TAP tool for the selection of precision medicine therapies in neuro-oncology.  J Neuro-Oncology.

Koschmann C, Farooqui Z, Kasaian K, Cao X, Zamler D, Stallard S, Venneti S, Hervey-Jumper S, Garton H, Muraszko K, Franchi L, Robertson PL, Leonard M, Opipari V, Castro MG, Lowenstein PR, Chinnaiyan A, Mody R (2017). Multi-focal sequencing of a diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma establishes PTEN loss as an early event.  NPJ Precis Oncol. 2017 Sep 14;1(1):32.

Linzey J, Marini B, McFadden K, Lorenzana A, Mody R, Robertson P and Koschmann C (2017). Identification and targeting of a novel FGFR fusion in a pediatric thalamic “central oligodendroglioma.” npj Precision Oncology.  1, Article number: 29 (2017) 

Marini B, Benitez L, Zureick A, Salloum R, Gauthier A, Brown J, Wu Y, Robinson D, Kumar C, Lonigro R, Vats P, Cao X, Kasaian K, Anderson B, Mullan B, Chandler B, Linzey J, Camelo-Piragua S, Venneti S; Mc Keever P, McFadden K, Lieberman A, Brown N, Shao L, Leonard M; Junck L, McKean E, Maher C, Garton H, Muraszko K, Hervey-Jumper S, Mulcahy-Levy J, Greem A, Hoffman L, Dorris K, Vitanza N, Wang J, Schwartz J, Lulla R, Pillay Smiley N, Bornhorst M, Haas-Kogan D, Robertson P, Chinnaiyan A, Mody R and Koschmann C (2017). Blood brain barrier-adapted precision medicine therapy for pediatric brain tumors. Translational Research2017 Oct;188:27.e1-27.e14.

Shao L, Miller S, Koschmann C, Camelo-Piragua S (2017). Clinical Application of Whole Genome Array Improves the Diagnosis of Pediatric Brain Tumors.  International Journal of Surgical Pathology.  2017 Aug 1:1066896917727349.

Rogawski S, Vitanza N, Gauthier A, Ramaswamy V, and Koschmann C (2017). Integrating RNA sequencing into neuro-oncology practice.  Translational Research.  2017 Jul 8. pii: S1931-5244(17)30229-3.

Tran D, Camelo-Piragua S, Gupta A, Gowans K, Robertson P, Mody R, and Koschmann C (2017). Loss of CDKN1C in a Recurrent Atypical Teratoid/Rhabdoid Tumor.  Journal of Pediatric Hematology. 2017 Jul 20. doi: 10.1097.

Chandran M, Candolfi M, Mineharu Y, Yadav V, Koschmann C, Shah D, Lowenstein PR and Castro MG (2017).  Single vs. Combination Immunotherapies for Glioblastoma. Expert Opinion Biologic Therapy. 2017 May;17(5):543-554.

Koschmann C, Nunez FJ, Mendez F, Brosnan-Cashman J, Meeker A, Lowenstein PR and Castro MG (2017).  Mutated chromatin regulatory factors as tumor drivers in cancerCancer Research. 2017 Jan 15;77(2):227-233.

Bruzek A, Zureick, A, Mc Keever P, Garton, H, Robertson, P., Mody R, and Koschmann C (2016). Molecular characterization reveals NF1 loss and FGFR1 activating mutation in pediatric spinal oligodendroglioma.  Pediatric Blood and Cancer.  2017 Jun;64(6).

Upadhyaya SA, Koschmann C, Muraszko K, Venneti S, Garton HJ, Hamstra DA, Maher CO, Betz BL, Brown NA, Wahl D, Weigelin HC, DuRoss KE, Leonard AS, Robertson PL (2016).  Brainstem Low-Grade Gliomas in Children-Excellent Outcomes with Multimodality Therapy.  J Child Neurol. 2017 Feb;32(2):194-203.

Koschmann C, Zamler D, MacKay A, Robinson D, Wu YM, Doherty R, Marini B, Tran D, Garton H, Muraszko K, Robertson P, Leonard M, Zhao L, Bixby D, Peterson L, Camelo-Piragua S, Jones C, Mody R, Lowenstein PR, Castro MG (2016). Characterizing and targeting PDGFRA alterations in pediatric high-grade glioma. Oncotarget. 2016 Oct 4;7(40):65696-65706.

Kamran N, Calinescu C, Candolfi M, Mineharu Y, Assad A, Koschmann C, Nunez FJ, Lowenstein PR and Castro MG (2016).  Recent advances and future of immunotherapy for glioblastoma. Expert Opin Biol Ther.  2016 Oct;16(10):1245-64.

Koschmann C, Lowenstein PR and Castro MC (2016).  ATRX Mutations and Glioblastoma: Impaired DNA Damage Repair, Alternative Lengthening of Telomeres, and Genetic Instability.  Molecular and Cellular Oncology.  2016 Apr 27;3(3):e1167158.

Koschmann C, Bloom K, Upadhyaya, S, Geyer, JR, Leary, SES (2016).  Survival after relapse of medulloblastoma.  Journal of Pediatric Hematology-Oncology.  May 1;38(4):269-73.

Koschmann C, Calinescu AA, Nunez FJ, Mckay A, Fazal Salom J, Thomas D, Mulpuri L, Kamran N, Mendez F, Dzaman M, Krasinkiewicz J, Doherty R, Lemons R, Li Y, Brosnan-Cashman J, Roh S, Zhao L, Ferguson D, Appelman H, Gorbunova V, Meeker A, Jones C, Lowenstein PR and Castro MC (2016).  ATRX loss promotes tumor growth and impairs non-homologous end joining DNA repair in glioma.  Science Translational Medicine. Mar 2;8(328):328ra28

Calinescu AA, Nunez FJ, Koschmann C, Kolb B, Lowenstein PR, and Castro MC (2015).  Transposon mediated integration of plasmid DNA into the subventricular zone of neonatal mice to generate novel models of glioblastoma.  JoVE2015 Feb 22;(96).

Castro MG, Candolfi M, Wilson TJ, Calinescu A, Paran C, Kamran N, Koschmann C, Moreno-Ayala MA, Assi H, Lowenstein PR (2014). Adenoviral vector-mediated gene therapy for gliomas: coming of age. Expert Opin Biol Ther. Sep;14(9):1241-57.

Baker G, Yadav V, Motsch S, Koschmann C, Calinescu A, Mineharu Y, Camelo-Piragua S, Orringer D, Bannykh S, Nichols W, deCarvalho A, Mikkelsen T, Castro M, Lowenstein P (2014).  Mechanisms of glioma formation: iterative perivascular glioma growth and invasion leads to tumor progression, VEGF-independent vascularization, and resistance to antiangiogenic therapy.  Neoplasia. Jul;16(7):543-61.

Lynes J, Wibowo M, Koschmann C, Baker G, Saxena V, Muhammad A, Bondale N, Klein J, Lugo C, Assi H, Lieberman A, Castro M, Lowenstein P (2014).  Lentiviral-induced high-grade gliomas in rats: the effects of PDGFB, HRAS-G12V, AKT, and IDH1-R132HNeurotherapeutics. Jul;11(3):623-35.

Koschmann C, Park J, Hawkins D, Bender M, Winter L, Pendergrass C, Luks A. (2012). Pediatric Hematology-Oncology Case-Based Lecture Series. AAMC MedEdPORTAL. Available from:

Koschmann C, Thomson B, and Hawkins DS (2010).  No evidence of a trial effect in newly diagnosed pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia.  Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med., 164(3):214-217.